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Murakami, F., Etoh, M., Kawato, M., Oda, Y. and Tsukahara, N. Synaptic currents at interpositorubral and corticorubral excitatory synapses measured by a new iterative single-electrode voltage-clamp method. Neurosci. Res. 3: 590-605 (1986)

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Fujito, Y., Tsukahara, N., Oda, Y. and Yoshida, M. Formation of functional synapses in the adult cat red nucleus from the cerebrum following cross-innervation of forelimb flexor and extensor nerves. II. Analysis of newly appeared synaptic potentials. Exp. Brain Res. 45: 13-18 (1982)
Tsukahara, N., Fujito, Y., Oda, Y. and Maeda, J. Formation of functional synapses in the adult cat red nucleus from the cerebrum following cross-innervation of forelimb flexor and extensor nerves. I. Appearance of new synaptic potentials. Exp. Brain Res. 45: 1-12 (1982)

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Laboratory of Brain Function and Structure; Division of Particle and Astrophysical Science, Graduate School of Science of Nagoya University
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