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Immunostaining of imaginal discs

yamasaki.y: 2003.10.02



  1. dissect in PBS
  2. fix in 3.7% PFA/PEM for 1hr at RT
  3. rinse in PBSTx for 10 min at RT x3
  4. block in 5% BSA/PBSTx for 30 min at RT
  5. 1st Ab o/n at 4'C (or 1 hr at RT)
  6. rinse in PBSTx at 4'C (total 60 min)
  7. block in 5% BSA/PBSTx for 30 min at 4'C
  8. 2nd Ab o/n at 4'C (or 1 hr at RT)
  9. rinse in PBSTx at 4'C (total 60 min)
  10. (HRP or AP conj. の場合は発色反応)
  11. dissect
  12. microscope

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